1st Job Certified
1st Job Certified is a brand new, totally unique website based program teaching teenagers and inexperienced job applicants how to apply for, interview, and keep a job. The curriculum is presented in online, interactive Flash video slideshows developed by iNET Web. Flash graphic animation in each video slide illustrates the information being presented by voice-over and highlighted text, making the 1st Job Certified training program an engaging, multi-sensory Internet experience. For a taste of the level of graphic imagery integrated into the 1st Job Certified Flash video training program, head to the 1st Job Certified homepage to watch the website video spokespeople emerge from underneath post-it notes built into the actual website design. iNET is the only web design and development company in Milwaukee with this type of Flash website development ability – check it out for yourself, you haven’t seen anything like it!
When you arrive at the 1st Job Certified website, you get an instant sense of fun, interesting graphic imagery and presentation of information infused throughout the job interview training program. The website graphic design is based on pieces of paper and Post-Its pinned to a cork board like you might find hanging in the bedroom of a busy high school student. When the website video spokespeople walk out from behind the post it notes, you better believe the website viewer's attention is completely captured as they listen to the personally delivered message. There are many similarly amazing graphic animation pieces throughout the 1st Job Certified web based training program, like when the video spokespeople are drawn in chalk on the video blackboard and suddenly spring to life and start teaching! To understand the full degree to which iNET creative genius inspired Flash website development makes the 1st Job Certified training program come alive, you really have to register for it and see it for yourself. It is quite possibly the most interesting and engaging website video training program of any kind!
The way registration is set up on 1st Job Certified, you can sign up to take a single job certification course, or if you represent a school or employer, you can purchase multiple web based courses at once for an unlimited number of students. The custom eCommerce website shopping cart functionality was designed specifically for the e-commerce challenges faced by 1st Job Certified – with other Milwaukee web designers and developers, 1st Job Certified would most likely be in a template website shopping cart where they would either be shuttled to another website, or forced to go through an unwieldy checkout process not designed for this specific website application. If you know teenagers who are looking for a job, or if you know anyone who educates or employs teenagers, direct them to 1st Job Certified. 1st Job Certified teaches inexperienced job candidates to avoid common application and interviewing mistakes while presenting themselves in a positive way, helping young job applicants stand out from the rest of the crowd. For a website making your company stand out from the rest of the crowd in your industry with creative genius inspired Flash website development imagery grabbing people's attention and making them say "Wow, that is awesome!", come to iNET Web. When you combine world class website imagery with top placement on the FREE search engine listings, you get website profitability driving business growth in a way simply unique to iNET Web clients.