Blake Stevens Wood Flooring, Inc.
iNET-Web arrived at Blake Stevens' outdated website laying virtual floorboards covering the soon to be unique, creative, profit enhancing website. iNET covered the old website's blindingly white background in rich, smooth, beautiful stained wood tones. iNET-Web's creative geniuses began assembling an eye-catching piece of flash animation seamlessly integrated with subtle gradients into the website's graphic design scheme. The bouncing basketball on Blake Stevens' hardwood flooring immediately grabs viewer attention, intriguing them to explore further. Flowing from one animation to the next, the flash piece showcases high-interest products and services, illustrating Blake Stevens as "Your Source for Success". Navigation menus are outlined by "staining" the hardwood flooring background using semi-transparent graphic layering. Animated drop down menus prompt the user to explore vast lines of products Blake Stevens has to offer. After navigating to the Demos page through the roll over menus, website viewers are greeted with a YouTube video embedded by iNET-Web creative geniuses. The embedded video flaunts the results of the Blake Stevens' Magic Oil Finish, along with how-to video instructions. The graphic design scheme created by iNET-Web creative geniuses visually defines Blake Stevens' business to website viewers. The professional, yet warm, friendly image of Blake Stevens Wood Flooring incurs a sense of trust and confidence among website viewers, translating into business-driving, profit-filled opportunities.
The newly created website offers a complete E-Commerce solution for Blake Stevens Wood Flooring, Inc. The most important facet of a business is a well constructed, income producing website. With the superb work implemented by iNET-Web's creative geniuses, Blake Stevens Wood Flooring has a complete platform for an online, profit generating business. Compared to the previous undesirable website, Blake Stevens Wood Flooring products are showcased in an attractive, informative, and organized fashion ready to be sold to the consumer. With all the company information online, customers can easily select and purchase the quality wood flooring products, without ever leaving home. Blake Stevens Wood Flooring complete E-Commerce solution is a major boon to business success and profit thanks to Milwaukee's #1 web developer, iNET-Web.
iNET-Web creative geniuses crafted a graphic design so unique and creative driving Blake Stevens' revenue above and beyond their measured expectations. Using a highly effective technique called search engine optimization, iNET-Web copy writers saturate Blake Stevens' website with keyword optimized writing engineered to enhance their placement in search engine results. This "search engine friendly" code structure pushes Blake Stevens' website to the top of free engine search results, where the most profit in the online market is made. The creative genius inspired copy writer's at iNET-Web tailor SEO to specific regions, achieving the highest amount of results in the expanse where the business operates. iNET-Web copy writers were busy writing the website's content making Blake Stevens Wood Flooring visible to the online world. iNET-Web copy write uses relevant search terms to define the message of the business. With iNET-Web copy write, Blake Stevens Wood Flooring attains customers who are looking for services fulfilled by Blake Stevens Wood Flooring, creating a higher revenue stream.
Websites designed by iNET-Web creative geniuses include a stellar online content management system called Site Edit. Site Edit is a user-friendly online content management system designed by iNET-Web's creative genius Milwaukee website developers allowing for the easiest, fastest website editing functions. With other wannabe Milwaukee web developers, there is no user accessible online content management system. Second tier web developers will charge fees for website edits, and often will require prolonged waiting periods before the content is changed. At iNET-Web, changes can be made anytime, anywhere, without paying any extra fees. Site Edit is simple to use since almost all editing can be accomplished with only using simple word processing tools. At the release of a website, iNET-Web will thoroughly teach all Site Edit features and functions, assuring your confidence in website editing.
Your business does not reach the top of search engine results with a web designer who uses the same tools and the same layout and the same process as your competition. A generic website does not generate profit! Online marketing can be the most critical aspect of your business. Do not trust a second tier web developer who uses the same template web design for all his business. Contact the creative geniuses at iNET-Web to create a unique, creative, confident website putting your business on the road towards a profit filled future.