Croatian Eagles Soccer Club
The Croatian Eagles Soccer Club website has the bright, colorful, dynamic feel of a fast paced soccer game on a warm summer day. Blue skies and grass, elements of the Croatian flag, and Croatian Eagles soccer players cut out of live action photos and integrated into the website structure come together to create this dynamic feel, with elements of the website subtly pointing inward towards the main content. This is a website design which creates an immediate, positive impression – it simply has to be seen to be truly appreciated. At the top of the homepage content, there is a large Flash picture rotator, displaying a series of pictures of the boys, girls, mens and womens Croatian Eagles Soccer teams. The Croatian Eagles have the ability to add and change which pictures are displayed in the Flash rotator. This is one of many different areas where the Croatian Eagles Soccer Club has website editing functionality, giving them much greater ability to update website content and keep members up to date with tryouts, tournaments, game schedules, and much more. A news ticker flashing across the homepage displays scores, records, and whatever else the Croatian Eagles choose to program into it, giving the website a "breaking news" feel.
Other custom content areas of the website include individual team pages for each of the 32 Milwaukee soccer teams affiliated with the Croatian Eagles Soccer Club, multiple photo galleries, tournament pages, calendars, news pages, and more. The Croatian Eagles can update information in all these areas from any computer with an Internet connection, instantly and easily as sending an e-mail. This is one of the reasons why iNET is a Milwaukee web design and development company unlike any other; giving clients website editing capabilities without plugging them into graphically unappealing, search engine result crippling templates is unheard of at iNET prices. The Croatian Eagles have ability to manage their website content to their heart’s delight, without incurring any additional billing. This would simply not be possible with the platforms provided by other Milwaukee web developers and designers. The Croatian Eagles would have to choose between going with an unappealing website template which could not be found in search engine queries, going with a static website which would only get updated a couple times a year, or paying thousands of dollars to a web development company to update the site on a weekly basis. Their iNET creative genius inspired website solution achieves the best of all worlds, with incredible graphic design, easily editable content, search engine friendly coding, AND better pricing than the inferior website solutions provided by most second tier web developers and designers in Milwaukee.
If you or one of your children is interested in trying out for a competitive soccer club playing at the highest level in Wisconsin, check out the Croatian Eagles website to learn more. For a website which will have your business or organization competing at the highest level in Wisconsin, nationally, internationally – wherever you choose to compete – come to iNET Web, where the value of our creative genius inspired website development solutions has no competition among web developers in Milwaukee, the Midwest, or anywhere else.