Milwaukee Careers Cooperative
“INET worked patiently with us for two years until we thought our website was just perfect!” Tanya from Milwaukee Career Cooperative says. “The website is vibrant, colorful, interactive, and informative. I’ve personally received nothing but tons of positive feedback from educators, university staff, community-based organizations, IT people and they all think it’s very professional, informative, and inclusive. I love the logo! I love the pictures, the flash, the color –it’s all very inviting. Eric was terrific! His energy sold me during our first meeting. David and Tiffany, the designers, were very good and thorough, from addressing my concerns throughout the design phase to answering the occasional question I had about using Site Edit after the site was live. INET did a great job!”
Milwaukee Career Cooperative’s business logo and website design are a wake-up early, drag a comb across your head, can hardly wait to get to work pick-me-up! The creative genius inspired Waukesha graphic designers from iNET Web created a Flash animation presentation visually defining MCC’s philanthropic quality. The Flash animation presentation provides the perfect amount of motion to the Waukesha website design –just enough action to grab website viewers by their dungarees without tearing the fabric. The Flash website animation features high resolution images of suit-and-tie and velvety bloused factotums rotating and mingling with various working professionals like an employment seminar social mixer! The working professionals give the thumbs-up in approval of the new gig they landed with MCC.
The Waukesha website designers integrated website imagery of four interlocking puzzle pieces symbolizing how MCC bridges communities by connecting diverse job-seekers with promising new employment opportunities. With a graphically appealing Waukesha website design as warm as an outstretched hand, more and more Milwaukee job-seekers will find their search will come to an end with Milwaukee Career Cooperative.
The iNET Web exclusive user-friendly backend content management system, Site Edit, allows MCC to edit or update website content at their convenience. Site Edit is an online content management system with an intuitive interface requiring no previous computer programming or website coding experience. Updates, additions, and deletions to website content are quickly made by MCC without any additional assistance or charge from the Milwaukee web developers at iNET Web. Site Edit allows MCC to easily upload their monthly newsletter for improved communication between the employees and employers making MCC a success. Improved access to information on new projects, services and important events is making MCC a tighter-knit community than ever before!
Staffing services from a warm, friendly and reputable Milwaukee employment agency are a great comfort in today’s otherwise unfriendly labor market. If you’re a go-getter looking for an employment opportunity that’s going somewhere, contact Milwaukee Career Cooperative today!
Are tiresome pay-per-click marketing campaigns and template website designs leading you to dead ends with no opportunity for profit? Get your business on the go with an online marketing solution from Waukesha’s own creative genius inspired go-getters of profitability, iNET Web.