Rozman True Value

Rozman True Value of Muskego, Wisconsin started up with an iNET website just a few months ago, after years of being an iNET Computers/ Web hardware service and support customer. There are literally hundreds of second tier template website solutions for hardware stores available. Randy of Rozman True Value Muskego, knew iNET was the right choice for a superior web site based marketing tool.

After the website went live literally April 1, 2008 with a brand new domain, we are starting to implement Search Engine Optimization that will drive traffic to the site for many different aspects of the retail and rental store business in relation to Muskego, Wisconsin. Rozman True Value Muskego has a stellar reputation of good standing in the community of Muskego. Our target in getting visitors to the website is the broadest spectrum of products and services Rozman True Value Muskego has to offer in association with Muskego, Wisconsin. iNET Web is also targeting a number of products and services to the Internet at large.

The web site features a unique and definitive graphic layout. There is no mistaking this is the web site of Rozman True Value Muskego. The new Rozman True Value Muskego website will quickly become a staple for Muskego residents to find whatever they are looking for. The Grill Zone and Just Ask Rental web based stores will allow Muskego and surrounding area residents to quickly see what they need to get odd jobs done and to enjoy the beautiful Wisconsin summers.

This web site is a great one to keep an eye on. Like so many other iNET produced Custom Creative Genius inspired web site solutions, as they go live, it is only at the beginning. As the website gains momentum, it will quickly create profitability well beyond the cost of development. Randy and his crew will see the web based business start to come in and focus minimal effort on the web site. Suddenly it will explode into a sales generating tool that literally creates business growth and generates net profit beyond expectations. At iNET Web, we know because that is a common theme to virtually every iNET custom website.

employee website login pageA private employee log in for scheduling and other internal business matters provides an easy business management tool and standard. The new Rozman True Value Muskego site features a custom yet easy to use content management database backend, where any authorized Rozman True Value MuskegoiNET is providing an application so that The Rozman Team can easily send out monthly email to everyone in the database. employee can add, change, or remove any content from the site. Randy has accumulated thousands of email addresses from customers who want to be notified of upcoming specials and events.

For the certain success the new Rozman True Value Muskego website will generate, NO pay-per-click will be needed. If you are curious about the way a new site can progress after the initial "Go Live", check back every so often.

Please take a minute to peruse the new Rozman True Value Muskego website. Check out the graphic design of the left navigation, and while you are on the site, look at all of those tools for rent! iNET is renting a carpet remover tomorrow!

Creative Genius Marketing® -

Creative is an intangible. There aren’t many great creatives in radio. In branding there are less. In strategizing there are even less. Most companies have no BRAND. The products and services are amazing, the businesses are often brilliant. There is just nothing for consumers to grab and buckle themselves into. The web sites are also no influence in creating the brand, brand strategy, ad concept or ads.

iNET creative has dozens of mind traps and hooks. Duplicitous meanings and meanings left for the listener to decipher or wonder at. While these traps can get a listener stuck in a thought midstream over two, three, twenty exposures they force acceptance of the message and action. When they discover the hidden hooks listeners feel like insiders, part of the story and part of the brand.

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