The Total Care Dental Success Story
Web traffic increased dramatically, leading to an influx of new requests for appointments. Virtually all of the website’s technical and creative elements were adjusted to appeal more strongly to prospective customers and internet search engines. Even the photos received a new digital description. Use of more original pictures and professional photography added additional visual appeal and SEO value.
A User-Friendly Layout Worth Smiling At
The top navigational bar was changed and footer navigational elements were added to make it easier for clients to find the information they needed. Attractive buttons were added to the home page so users would be directed to the appropriate inside pages. With this expert organizational work, the revamped website became extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. Prospective patients can immediately discover the information they seek, conveniently making appointments more easily than before.
Clinic hours and a blog are now listed on the home page so customers don’t have to dig through page after page. The home page also improved Total Care Dental’s credibility by listing its social media links, Angie’s List award and insurance links.
The new custom-made content management system also continues to be very effective, enabling the client to change or add new descriptions of services and special promotions. The client is able to directly add new photos to the success gallery to keep the site up-to-date. If the market quickly changes, the website quickly changes. This arms the entire business with an extremely current presence.
We’re proud to say Total Care Dental and their clients are now smiling all the time.
iNET-Web Milwaukee Search Engine Optimization Brings Smiles to Total Care Dental
Total Care Dental is a Madison dental clinic committed to providing top quality dental services for oral health. The Madison dental clinic was happy with the layout and design of their pre-existing website; they came to the Milwaukee search engine optimization masterminds with hopes of filling the cavity of a non-existent web presence. With the support of iNET Web's supreme Milwaukee website developers, Total Care Dental was ready to fight tooth and nail for the top spots in dental industry related free search engine results.
The Total Care Dental website brought to iNET Web’s professional Milwaukee website designers wasn’t unattractive, just stuck in an era of all flash websites with no search engine web presence. Websites comprised entirely of flash hold no power in search engine indexing as flash files are only read as a graphic file. The top Milwaukee website designers at iNET Web were ready to take on the task of transposing Total Care Dental’s existing flash website over to a search engine friendly HTML website while keeping the original design and layout. The overpowering flash animations were scrapped and replaced by HTML coding with the same design but with much more effect in search engine rankings. The result was a beautifully crafted website with an appealing and easily navigable layout, replicating the visual aspects and layout of Total Care Dental’s original website and leaving opportunity for iNET Web’s creative genius inspired Milwaukee SEO specialists to build up a successful search engine presence.
With an updated website free from the drawbacks of being entirely made in flash, iNET Web’s gifted Milwaukee search engine optimization specialists and extremely talented website copywriters were chomping at the bit to turn the Total Care Dental website into a search engine powerhouse. Creative genius soaked copy and intricately optimized meta-data were spewed into Total Care Dental’s website, targeting searches such as “Madison dentist” and “Family Dentist in Middleton”. With monthly ongoing search engine optimization from the iNET Web Milwaukee SEO experts, Total Care Dental is making all the right choices to bring their incredible dental services to the front of search engine results.
Another drawback of flash content on websites is being a hassle to update or, for some people, next to impossible to update. For our Total Care Dental’s benefit, our team of magnificent Milwaukee web designers implemented an easy to use content management system. The new system, utilized by all iNET Web clients, allows Total Care Dental to make easy edits or additions to their website content at their convenience. Easy accessibility to editing the Total Care Dental website allows them to conveniently add new success pictures to their gallery and keep up to date promotions and news articles in their Madison dental clinic blog. Keeping your website updated and continually adding new content effectively increases its value to search engines, helping it climb higher in search engine result rankings.
iNET Web’s first class team of Milwaukee website designers, creative genius copywriters, and search engine optimization masterminds took Total Care Dental’s out-dated, all flash website and turned it into a profitable, search engine optimized success. Search engine optimization means Total Care Dental no longer relies on word of mouth. With ongoing SEO efforts, and the resurgence of real sugar in sodas, Total Care Dental will soon need more chairs to accommodate a vast growth in business. The remarkable iNET Web Milwaukee search engine optimization experts can do the same for your website, bringing it to the top of related free search results and giving you measurable results. Contact iNET Web’s creative genius inspired Milwaukee website design and developers and then set up an appointment with Total Care Dental, after we turn your website into a profit making machine, you’ll be smiling from ear to ear.