Reasons to Take the "Copy" out of Your Website Copywriting
Generate Profit with Original, Audience-centered Web Content for Your Small Business
An overlooked element of creating and maintaining a successful, business-building, profit-generating website is content quality. People searching for your products or services might not be concerned with the quality of your content (honestly, the vast majority of them aren’t even going to read it), but thanks to recent changes implemented by multiple search engine algorithms, content quality has never been more crucial to your website's success.
Quality writing builds your potential customers' trust in your services and products. Consumers are more likely to buy from a company with an attractive and persuasive website than a shoddy, ugly and badly written site. Presentation is everything, but Milwaukee web design experts and professional copywriters aren’t creating websites just for your customers; they’re coding and writing to please the search engines and their spider programs (no, not real spiders. Nothing pleases real spiders except your fear).
Google Finally Changes Their Page Ranking Tactics
Google revolutionized the internet and information attainment when its search engine burst onto the scene in the '90s. Google's PageRank algorithm transformed search and improved the search process (more or less). Since then, Google has made countless changes to its methods and has fine-tuned its search engine systems to produce accurate, targeted results. While this system works, many websites which were appearing high in the rankings were subpar websites with template designs and poorly written or copied-and-pasted content.
Realizing searchers seek quality websites with useful information, Google recently released an update known as Penguin. Penguin not only recognizes and downgrades duplicate content, but it also penalizes websites for link schemes and other tactics shady webmasters used to employ to float their flotsam website content to the top of rankings. Other search engine companies are also eradicating the antithesis of professional customer-focused websites: content mills.
The Eradication of Shady Content Mills
The only purpose of content mills is stealing existing copy from websites; rearranging sentences, words, and ideas; and hocking the forged content to business owners at barrel-bottom prices. The saying “you get what you pay for” is exemplified by the boring, sometimes confusing and often grammatically disastrous website copy the content mills peddle.
Search engines have begun cracking down on content mill copy by banning them from search results and programming search engine “spiders” to recognize content mill copy.
If you're considering using content mill copy or have used it, consider this: repetitive, poorly written content equals spam for Google and most national search engines. Spammy, hackneyed content will kill your website dead, dead, dead.
How Spam Will Kill Your Website
Many websites are stacked to the rafters with copy-and-pasted content snagged from competitors, manufacturers or relevant websites. The majority of websites using copy-and-paste do so because people are, frankly, lazy. They don’t want to expend the time and effort needed for exemplary, riveting content search engines love.
Don't believe us? Look at a website for a company selling manufactured components for automobiles. Then, click the manufacturer’s website and read those descriptions. Ninety percent of the time, dealers use the same product descriptions as manufacturers--either half-heartedly paraphrased or word-for-word.
Because of Google's implemented search engine changes, repetitive content is now categorized as spam. Copied-and-pasted content plunges your website to the mire of low-ranking depths. It gets your content banished to the scorched-earth wasteland of results 11+. Stay above the fray. Implement the know-how and talent of professional copywriters.
How to Write Your Own Website Content: Don’t
Many people look at website content and think “Well, that doesn’t look so hard. I bet I could write something better and save myself the expense of having that writer jagaloon do it for me.” Such a move is online suicide. It's an excellent way to torpedo your shiny new website.
Now, we're not saying business owners or employees can't write. Many can craft engaging content suitable for publications, advertising, or other printed media examples. But this type of writing doesn't necessarily turn your site into a profit-generating machine that ascends your business to the top.
Professional copywriters are trained in website-specific content, and we aren’t just saying that to be adored. Copywriters are versed in designing content that satiates search engine spiders and compels users and future buyers to your website. By analyzing web queries linked to your products and services and sprinkling those keywords throughout your web content, copywriters engage search engine spiders. Let your professional website copywriters feed the spiders and put your business at the top of the web. You’ve got enough to worry about.