Lifetime Radon Solutions
When people in the Milwaukee look online for a company to do a radon test on their home, or to install a radon mitigation system, the name that always shows up at the top of the list is Lifetime Radon Solutions. It's no coincidence. It's what happens when iNET Web infuses a site with Search Engine Optimization.

With expert SEO work by iNET Web, Lifetime Radon Solutions has risen to the top of search results for the keywords used by prospective customers when searching online for radon mitigation services.

Clear, concise, informative and, yes, even interesting content makes the difference between a website people will click away from within minutes and one they'll spend time reading.

Like all the websites we develop, this one is custom coded from the ground up. No pre-fab, cookie cutter templates for iNET clients! Our sites look better and work better.

iNET Web's graphic designers came up with a visual solution that instantly communicates how radon gas rises from the ground and enters homes. A clean, legible font makes their logo highly visible online, in print, and on their vehicles.

With expert SEO work by iNET Web, Lifetime Radon Solutions has risen to the top of search results for the keywords used by prospective customers when searching online for radon mitigation services.
Clear, concise, informative and, yes, even interesting content makes the difference between a website people will click away from within minutes and one they'll spend time reading.
Custom Programming
Like all the websites we develop, this one is custom coded from the ground up. No pre-fab, cookie cutter templates for iNET clients! Our sites look better and work better.
Logo Design
iNET Web's graphic designers came up with a visual solution that instantly communicates how radon gas rises from the ground and enters homes. A clean, legible font makes their logo highly visible online, in print, and on their vehicles.
Life Time Radon Solutions - iNET Web Marketing for a Milwaukee Radon Mitigation Business
Life Time Radon Solutions is a Delafield-based business specializing in radon testing, radon mitigation systems, and VOC mitigation systems for homes and businesses throughout southeast Wisconsin. The owner of the business heard iNET Web’s radio ads featuring the success stories of other local businesses and contacted us to learn more.
Smart move.
Website Dilemmas
Life Time Radon Solutions had a basic, template website from one of the online DIY website services. It was little more than a footnote on the internet. No one was emailing them, and no one who called ever mentioned finding them online. They knew if they wanted to stay in business they’d have to up their game—and they knew web marketing was the place to put their advertising budget.
Website Technology Implemented
Content Management System – Search Engine Optimization – Copywriting - HTML – Graphic Design–jQuery – ActionScript – JavaScript–CSS
Website Outcome
iNET Web created a beautifully designed, easily navigated, information-packed website that made their old website look like the digital equivalent of kindergartner scrawl. With a full explanation of their services, a gallery featuring mitigation systems they’ve installed, and a prominent call to action on every page, it wasn’t long before customer inquiries came pouring in.
After seeing the dramatic impact of their site on their business, they came back to iNET Web to have their site converted to a mobile responsive site (meaning, the site looks the same on mobile devices as it does on desktop computers). With the mobile conversion done, along with a few style tweaks, Life Time Radon Solutions is getting more leads from their site than they ever imagined possible.
Which doesn’t surprise us in the least.