Plants to Grow
When a Milwaukee area plant enthusiast was looking to compile his extensive knowledge of plants into a website, he turned to iNET Web.

Websites today need to be accessible by smartphone and tablet, which is why the expert programmers at iNET Web made Plants to Grow responsive for every screen size.

Getting Plants to Grow up on the first page of Google was a challenge, but the SEO specialists at iNET Web managed it with our years of search engine optimization experience.

The Plants to Grow database required hours of quality copywriting from the experts at iNET Web, meaning you’ll find all the info you need.

The gorgeous design of the Plants to Grow website was not a template, it was custom-made by the professional programmers of iNET Web.

The Plants to Grow logo features cursive font with a leafy stem shooting up from the letter t. Yet another beautiful logo designed by the experts at iNET!

Websites today need to be accessible by smartphone and tablet, which is why the expert programmers at iNET Web made Plants to Grow responsive for every screen size.
Getting Plants to Grow up on the first page of Google was a challenge, but the SEO specialists at iNET Web managed it with our years of search engine optimization experience.
The Plants to Grow database required hours of quality copywriting from the experts at iNET Web, meaning you’ll find all the info you need.
Custom Programming
The gorgeous design of the Plants to Grow website was not a template, it was custom-made by the professional programmers of iNET Web.
Logo Design
The Plants to Grow logo features cursive font with a leafy stem shooting up from the letter t. Yet another beautiful logo designed by the experts at iNET!
Plants to Grow
Unlike most iNET Web produced websites, Plants to Grow is not a revenue generating site. It’s an online database about plants—a labor of love from a plant enthusiast who has spent over 30 years in the green plant industry.
Website Dilemma
Plants to Grow had a budget website created for them many years ago by iNET Web. As web design technology evolved, their old site looked increasingly dated. In addition to a design makeover, the client opted for a mobile responsive design and a conversion to our updated Genesis web platform.
Technology Implemented
Layout and Graphic Design – Mobile Responsive Design – Programming – Content Management System – HTML –CSS – jQuery
The Plants to Grow website blossomed under iNET’s care, and can now be viewed on cell phones and tablets as well as desktop computers. iNET also migrated the content and category structures on the old site to the new site and did redirects to ensure anyone coming across an old webpage from the site is directed to the new site.