Waukesha GOP
A website is an essential component of any modern-day election campaign. When the Republican Party of Waukesha County needed a reboot of their site, a clear consensus elected iNET Web to handle it.

A mobile responsive design ensures the website displays on smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices as well as it does on a desktop or laptop computer.

iNET Web built the website from the ground up with custom coding to ensure web pages display quickly and can be scanned by search engines so the site will rank highly in search results for relevant keywords. iNET also integrated the Home page video of an American flag undulating in the breeze underneath a vintage illustration of an American eagle.

A mobile responsive design ensures the website displays on smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices as well as it does on a desktop or laptop computer.
Custom Programming
iNET Web built the website from the ground up with custom coding to ensure web pages display quickly and can be scanned by search engines so the site will rank highly in search results for relevant keywords. iNET also integrated the Home page video of an American flag undulating in the breeze underneath a vintage illustration of an American eagle.
Republican Party of Waukesha County
With a mission to rally the base of Republican voters in Waukesha County to fight for Republican candidates’ victory, the Republican Party of Waukesha County plays a vital role in the outcome of county elections.
Website Dilemma
The Republican Party of Waukesha County came to iNET with none of the baggage of a previously built website, so their biggest dilemma was choosing between the site design options iNET gave them. A nice dilemma to have!
Technology Implemented
Layout and design – Search Engine Optimization – eCommerce – Responsive Design -- Creative Genius Branding & Copywriting – Content Management System – HTML –CSS – jQuery –HTML
The new website not only does a great job of representing the Republican Party of Waukesha County, it also provides information on elected officials, upcoming elections, poll locations, and volunteer opportunities. To help keep voters up to date, the site has a sign-up form for a newsletter. Voters can also make donations via a secure webpage.